Winter Gathering 2025
28 Feb to 8 Mar 2025, Ser Vivo (Arrábida)

Radical Presence, the 29th's theme, invites us to radically reconnect with ourselves, with others and with the Earth through a unique blend of: Contact Improvisation, Somatic Movement, Instant Composition, Butoh, Qi Gong, Meditation, Yoga, Jams, and more.
Guided by renowned international teachers, this 9-day journey is open to all levels and offers flexible accommodation options.
"With each edition, enthusiasm grows, affirming that we are on a unique path. Here, professionals and amateurs come together, conscious freedom is experienced, and human warmth envelops our commitment to art. Artistic and therapeutic practices merge, awakening the curious scientist and the inner poet, the child and caregiver, warriors and meditators.
Each gathering is an exercise in freedom and self-acceptance, an act of Faith in humanity and life. May this new cycle, now with the collaboration of Release - Embodied Arts Portugal, bring inspiring encounters and challenges. Art liberates, heals, and invites us to be radically present.
That is why I always return with renewed joy, to dance and co-create.
Welcome to your home, deep in the heart of your body."
- Pedro Paz
The Program
No matter your body type, age, cultural heritage, or movement/dance experience, you are encouraged to join this inclusive dance journey, guided by a familiar and experienced team of teachers and space holders.

Voices from the dancefloor
"The Arrábida Dance Lab isn't what you might expect... It's far, far more than that. It's an immersive and unforgettable journey of life, weaving together emotions and movement. It's a singular, exquisite, and transcendent experience of self-discovery and profound learning through body and spirit. Within its sacred space, you encounter yourself - finding love, understanding, challenge, surrender, and inspiration with every breath. It propels you beyond your limits, guiding you to depths previously unexplored. Here, in the heart of the Arrábida Dance Lab, you confront, live, and surrender to each passing moment, each graceful movement, each spirited dance... And in the end, you are reborn."
- Pedro Neves
“There are no words to describe the emotions, the feelings, the sensations we feel, and the peace after the ‘storm’, every time I join Arrábida Dance Labs for one of their intensive week-long workshops. Thank you.”
- Rui Almeida
From 28 February (Friday) until 8 March (Saturday), 2025
Limited Spaces:
Only 50 participants
The prices include accommodation, 3 vegan meals per day, diverse workshops and community experience. See all the details about pricing and cancellation policy at the registration form.
FULL PARTICIPATION (28th February - 8th March): 550€ - 650€
PART 1 (28th February - 4th March): 290€ - 370€
WEEKEND (28th February - 2nd March): 240€ - 320€
* the price varies depending on how early you register!
* over these amounts, there is a 10% discount for: Portuguese participants, Release - Embodied Arts members and regulars at the Arrábida Labs
The gathering will happen at Ser Vivo, in the heart of Arrábida Natural Park, 45 minutes drive from Lisbon and a few minutes from some of the most beautiful beaches in Portugal.
Registration and more practical info on this form.
Cristina Crespo + 351 912 900 066 (Bookings)
Pedro Paz + 351 925 872 344 (Program)
Credits: Photos by Cezary Szproch and Jaya / Videos by Patricia Barata