About (R)EVOLUÇÃO: Embodiment tools for Community Projects in Portugal
"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it"
Albert Einstein
Why do most community projects fall apart before they can reach their goal of creating alternatives to mainstream capitalism on how to relate to each other and to the rest of the ecosystem ? Why is it so difficult to escape the human "traps" that led to the current state of the world... power abuse, greed, competition, betrayal, offense, mistrust, violence... ?
"Love is emotional energy flowing rightly"
Gabrielle Roth
The (R)EVOLUTION program sits on the belief that, for a new regenerative and resilient human culture to emerge, we need to become aware of the emotions that drive our actions. We need to know how to dance with them and we need to compassionately release all the emotional energetic charge and the trauma that we carry in our bodies.
We, therefore, intend to make available to those at the forefront of a paradigm shift the opportunity of receiving the best support and guidance in developing individual and collective resources to feel and relate in healthier ways!
Upcoming Opportunities
20 - 21 September 2022
Workshop with Adam Barley on 'Intra- and inter-personal dynamics in the creation of community projects'. Open Call for Applications!
Adam Barley (!!!) enthusiastically said yes to this initiative and will generously offer an intensive workshop on the 20th and 21st of September as a way of supporting one community project in Continental Portugal. Adam is the founder of ZeroOne, a new creative movement practice, and has built a world-wide reputation for powerfully transformative embodiment work. He recognized in Portugal a rare force for change in the direction he believes is the path for Humanity, and his contribution to this program is truly a unique opportunity!
"We will use movement and dance to open up and explore some of the intra- and inter-personal dynamics that are happening within the creation of community projects. Embodiment cuts through to the heart of things, helps us get real and show up as we are deep down with each other, giving us a chance to revision and encourage change for the benefit of everyone. "
Learn more & apply here!